2.国家重点研发计划课题:面向抑郁障碍早期识别的多模态心理、生理信息融合建模研究(2019YFA0706203),2019 /12- 2024/11,在研,参与
3.国家重点研发计划课题:研究生物医学知识图谱自动构建和更新技术体系(2021YFF1201203),2021/12- 2024/11,在研,参与
2.国家自然科学基金青年项目 (61802158),2019/01-2021/12,主持
3.甘肃省自然科学基金一般项目 (20JR10RA605),2021/02-2023/01,主持
5.中央高校基本科研项目 (lzujbky-2018-37),2018/01-2019/12,主持
1.Zepeng Li, Rikui Huang, et al. A performant and incremental algorithm for knowledge graph entity typing. World Wide Web, 2023.
2.Zepeng Li, Wenchuan Cheng, et al. Deep learning model with multi‑feature fusion and label association for suicide detection. Multimedia Systems, 2023, 29: 2193-2203.
3.Zepeng Li, Zhengyi An, et al. MHA: a multimodal hierarchical attention model for depression detection in social media. Health information science and systems, 2023, 11(1): 6.
4.Zepeng Li, Zhengyi An, et al. Using Label-text Correlation and Deviation Punishment for Fine-grained Suicide Risk Detection in Social Media. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2022: 3370-3377.
5. Zepeng Li, Jiawei Zhou, et al. Deep Hierarchical Ensemble Model for Suicide Detection on Imbalanced Social Media Data. Entropy, 2022, 24, 442.
6. Zepeng Li, Yufeng Zhang, et al. Construction of Depression Knowledge Graph Based on Biomedical Literature, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021:1849-1855.
7. Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Shou-jun Xu. 2-Rainbow domination stability of graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2019, 38(3): 836-845.
8. Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. NP-completeness of local colorings of graphs, Information Processing Letters, 2018,130: 25–29.
9. Zepeng Li, Jin Xu. On the trees with same signed edge and signed star domination numbers. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2018, 95(12): 2388-2395.
10. Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. Size of edge-critical uniquely 3-colorable planar graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 2016,339(4): 1242–1250.
11. Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. On dominating sets of maximal outerplanar and planar graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016, 198:164-169.
12. 李泽鹏,左杨,王宏宇. 基于社交网络结构的节点影响力度量方法, 电子学报, 2016, 44(12): 2967-2974.
1. 指导研究生获数学建模竞赛国家二等奖2项(2022年、2020年),人工智能创新大赛国家三等奖1项(2022年)
2. 获必赢nn699net本科生毕业论文优秀指导教师(2021年)
1.2017.10 –至今,担任美国数学学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员(Number: 109884)。
2. 2018年8月-至今,担任中国电子学会图论与组合优化专业委员会理事。