[1] Zhili Zhao*, Ding Li, Yue Sun, Ruisheng Zhang, Jun Liu. Ranking influential spreaders based on both node k-shell and structural hole. Knowledge-Based Systems. 1:19, 2023 [SCI一区TOP]
[2] Zhili Zhao*, Zhengyou Ke, Zhuoyue Gou, Hao Guo, Kunyuan Jiang, Ruisheng Zhang. The trade-off between topology and content in community detection: An adaptive encoder-decoder-based NMF approach. Expert Systems with Applications. 1:20. Vol. 209, 2022 [SCI一区TOP]
[3] Shiping Gao (本科生一作), Dongjie He, Zhouzhuo Zhang, Xiaoqian Tang, Zhili Zhao*. A novel dynamic interpolation method based on both temporal and spatial correlations. Applied Intelligence. 1:26, 2022 [SCI二区]
[4] Zhili Zhao*, Zhuoyue Gou, Yuhong Du, Jun Ma, Tongfeng Li, Ruisheng Zhang. A novel link prediction algorithm based on inductive matrix completion. Expert Systems with Applications. 1:17. Vol. 188, 2022 [SCI一区TOP]
[5] Zhao Zhili*, Qin Jian, Gou Zhuoyue, Zhang Yanan, Yang Yi. Multi-Task Learning Models for Predicting Active Compounds. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 1-11: Vol. 108, 2020 [SCI]
[6] Zhao Zhili*, Qin Jian, He Zhaoshuang, Li Huan, Yang Yi, Zhang Ruisheng. Combining forward with recurrent neural networks for hourly air quality prediction in Northwest of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28931-28948: Vol. 27(23), 2020 [SCI]
[7] Li Huan, Zhang Ruisheng, Zhao Zhili, Yuan Yongna. An Efficient Influence Maximization Algorithm Based on Clique in Social Networks. 141083-141093: Vol.7. 2019 [SCI]
[8] Qidong Liu, Ruisheng Zhang, Zhili Zhao, Zhenghai Wang, Mengyao Jiao, Guangjing Wang, Robust MST-based Clustering Algorithm, Neural Computation, 2018 [SCI]
[9] Chun Gui, Zhili Zhao, Jiaxuan Wei, Rongjing Hu, Ruisheng Zhang. LPA-CBD: An Improved Label Propagation Algorithm Based on Community Belonging Degree for Community Detection, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2018 [SCI]
[10] Zhao Zhili*, Paschke Adrian, Zhang Ruisheng. A Rule-Based Agent-Oriented Approach for Supporting Weakly-Structured Scientific Workflows. Journal of Web Semantics. 36~52: Vol.37-38, 2016 [SCI]
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9. 第13届中国大学生计算机设计大赛(信息可视化设计)国家级二等奖(指导老师)
10. 2022年度本科毕业论文优秀指导老师
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