必赢nn699net开源软件与实时系统教育部工程研究中心主任 必赢nn699net分布式与嵌入式系统实验室主任
必赢nn699net计算机系统结构研究所 所长
1.《Android底层开发实战 》 机械工业出版社 2015
2.《嵌入式系统安全:安全与可信软件开发实战方法》机械工业出版社 2015 (编译)
3.《无人驾驶原理与实践》机械工业出版社 2019
4.《Blockly创意趣味编程》机械工业出版社 2019
5.《人工智能基础教程》人民邮电出版社2021 (即将出版)
1 | 《嵌入式系统安全》 | 机械工业出版社 | 2015 | 1/4 | 专著 |
2 | Fault-tolerant Hamiltonian laceability of balanced hypercubes | Information Sciences | 2015 | 1/3 | SCI一区 IF:4.305 |
3 | Integration of numerical model and cloud computing | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE | 2018 | 5/6通讯作者 | SCI二区 IF:5.768 |
4 | Anomaly detection in ad-hoc networks based on deep learning model: A plug and play device | AD HOC NETWORKS | 2019 | 5/5通讯作者 | SCI三区 IF:3.49 |
5 | Malicious Web traffic detection for Internet of Things environments | COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | 2019 | 5/5通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:2.189 |
6 | Intelligent monitor system based on cloud and convolutional neural networks | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING | 2017 | 4/4通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:2.157 |
7 | A novel approach for mobile malware classification and detection in Android systems | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | 2019 | 1/6 | SCI四区 IF:2.101 |
8 | On design and formal verification of SNSP: a novel real-time communication protocol for safety-critical applications | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING | 2014 | 6/9通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:2.157 |
9 | RCSoS: An IEC 61508 Compatible Server Model for Reliable Communication, | Journal of Signal Processing Systems, | 2015 | 7/8通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:1.035 |
10 | Learning Network Storage Curriculum With Experimental Case Based on Embedded Systems | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION | 2016 | 1/5 | SCI四区 IF:1.435 |
1 | 《无人驾驶原理与实践》 | 机械工业出版社 | 2019 | 3/5 | 专著 |
2 | 《Blockly创意趣味编程》 | 机械工业出版社 | 2019 | 1/3 | 专著 |
3 | 基于WIFI的便携式可视化硬件编程系统及方法 | 国家知识产权局 | 2017 | 1/7 | 专利,实质审查阶段 |
4 | 3D Map Optimization with Fully Convolutional Neural Network and Dynamic Local NDT | The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2019) | 2019 | 5/5通讯作者 | EI,顶级国际会议 |
5 | A Low-Cost and Easy-Promotion Autonomous Driving Talents Teaching Patterns for Colleges | The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2019) | 2019 | 4/4通讯作者 | 顶级国际会议,Workshop特邀报告 |
6 | Smart fog based workflow for traffic control networks | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE | 2019 | 7/7通讯作者 | SCI一区 IF:5.768 |
7 | Path Embeddings with Prescribed Edge in the Balanced Hypercube Network | SYMMETRY-BASEL | 2017 | 6/6通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:2.143 |
8 | A Formal Framework for Integrated Environment Modeling Systems | ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION | 2017 | 6/6通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:1.84 |
9 | 新工科背景下对于计算思维的再认识 | 2019 | 2/3 | CSSCI | |
10 | 自动驾驶发展与关键技术综述 | 电子技术应用 | 2019 | 5/5通讯作者 | 核心 |
1 | Hybrid forecasting system based on an optimal model selection strategy for different wind speed forecasting problems | Applied Energy | 2019 | 1/3 | SCI一区 IF:8.426 |
2 | GVM based intuitive simulation web application for collision detection | NEUROCOMPUTING | 2018 | 6/6通讯作者 | SCI二区 IF:4.072 |
3 | Enhanced deep networks for short-term and medium-term load forecasting | IEEE Access | 2018 | 5/6 | SCI二区 IF:4.098 |
4 | Derivative-based acceleration of general vector machine | SOFT COMPUTING | 2019 | 5/5通讯作者 | SCI三区 IF:2.784 |
5 | FPGA-based approximate calculation system of General Vector Machine | MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL | 2019 | 2/7通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:1.284 |
6 | A research of Monte Carlo optimized neural network for electricity load forecast | The Journal of Supercomputing | 2019 | 6/6通讯作者 | SCI四区 IF:2.157 |
7 | Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning in Beam Offset Calibration of MEBT at C-ADS Injector-II | International Conference on Frontier Computing | 2018 | 4/7 | 国际会议EI检索 |
8 | Neural network model with Monte Carlo algorithm for electricity demand forecasting in Queensland | Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference | 2017 | 6/6通讯作者 | 国际会议EI检索 |
9 | GVM Based Copy-Dynamics Model for Electricity Load Forecast | International Conference on Frontier Computing | 2018 | 6/6通讯作者 | 国际会议EI检索 |
10 | Supervised machine learning model for high dimensional gene data in colon cancer detection | 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data | 2015 | 5/5通讯作者 | 国际会议EI检索 |
本人长期从事计算机应用技术研究,创建的必赢nn699net分布式与嵌入式系统实验室(DSLab)成为第一个加入总部位于德国的 OSADL(Open Source Automation Development Lab)的国内学术科研机构,并先后与华为、 国家电网、IBM、Intel、 Google、ARM、中科龙梦、中国移动等国内外知名企业建立了联合实验室。
周庆国,男,汉族,1973年11月生,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,国际电气工程师学会会士,教育部新世纪人才基金获得者。现为必赢nn699net开源软件与实时系统教育部工程研究中心副主任,必赢nn699net分布式与嵌入式系统实验室主任。2007年10月受聘担任Real Time Linux Foundation主任,2011年8月任International Journal of Embedded System (IJES)杂志主编。目前主要从事嵌入式实时系统、安全攸关系统、智慧交通、神经网络的研究。2007年在PowerPC架构上实时系统的研究,获得了IBM Real-Time Innovation Award(全球总共15个高校获奖),2012年荣获“Google中国大学合作项目年度突出贡献老师”荣誉称号。目前已经在国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文175篇,其中SCI检索70余篇,获得5项发明专利授权。2017年荣获甘肃省科技进步二等奖,牵头编制《甘肃省“十三五”网络空间安全规划》和《甘肃省网络空间安全十年纲要》,研制了甘肃省第一辆无人驾驶试验车RockAuto。2019年出版《无人驾驶原理与实践》,自出版以来,在京东的好评率达到 99%,并入选“AI 工程师必看的 10 本书”。