1. 专著,基于群智能优化算法的预测理论与方法的研究及应用, 科学出版社2020年(1/4)
2. 专著,基于变权重的组合预测方法理论与应用, 电子工业出版社(2/3)
3. 软件著作权,基于模糊理论和人工智能优化技术的石油进口依存度预警系统, 2019年8月8日(1/3)
4. 软件著作权,基于模糊理论与人工智能算法的空气质量预警系统, 2019年8月8日(1/3)
5. 软件著作权,基于信息优化技术的旅游需求智能预报系统, 2019年8月8日(2/3)
6. 软件著作权,基于智能优化算法的风电场风速预报系统, 2019年8月12日(2/3)
王建州教授学术生涯共发表学术论文290余篇,并在多个领域做出了有影响力的研究。近五年多来发表SCI/SSCI检索论文130余篇,绝大部分发表在国际一流学术期刊。王建州教授H指数68,论文引用次数13600余次,6篇学术论文被美国ISI Web of science 基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicators) ESI列为领域学科的热点论文,进入前Top 1‰;44篇学术论文被美国ISI Web of science 基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicators) ESI列为领域学科的高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)和研究前沿,进入前Top 1%。
1. Research and application of the hybrid forecasting model based on secondary denoising and multi-objective optimization for air pollution early warning system (doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.201), SCI一区, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10/2019, 1/4.
2. Intelligent multivariable air-quality forecasting system based on feature selection and modified evolving interval type-2 quantum fuzzy neural network(doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116429), SCI一区, Environmental Pollution, 4/2021, 1/4.
3. Wind speed deterministic forecasting and probabilistic interval forecasting approach based on deep learning, modified tunicate swarm algorithm, and quantile regression(doi.org/10.1016/J.RENENE.2021.07.113), SCI一区, Renewable Energy, 12/2021, 1/3.
4. Hour-ahead photovoltaic generation forecasting method based on machine learning and multi objective optimization algorithm(doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118725), SCI一区, Applied Energy, 4/2022, 1/3.
5. The influence of international oil prices on the exchange rates of oil exporting countries: Based on the hybrid copula function(doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2022.102734), SSCI一区, Resources Policy, 8/2022, 1/5.
6. Ensemble forecasting system based on decomposition-selection-optimization for point and interval carbon price prediction(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2022.09.004), SCI一区, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 1/2023, 1/5.
7. Forecasting Day-ahead Electricity Price Using a Hybrid Improved Approach(https://doi.org/10.5370/JEET.2017.12.6.2166) , SCI, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology,8/2017,2/2.
8. Point and interval forecasting for metal prices based on variational mode decomposition and an optimized outlier-robust extreme learning machine(doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101881) , SSCI一区, Resources Policy,9/2020,2/4.
9. Comparison of the goodness-of-fit of intelligent-optimized wind speed distributions and calculation in high-altitude wind-energy potential assessment(doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114737) , SCI一区, Energy Conversion and Management, 9/2021,2/3.
10. Wind Power Curve Modeling with Hybrid Copula and Grey Wolf Optimization(doi.org/ 10.1109/TSTE.2021.3109044) , SCI一区, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9/2021,2/4.
11. A multivariable hybrid prediction system of wind power based on outlier test and innovative multi-objective optimization (doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.122333) , SCI一区, Energy, 10/2021,2/4.
12. Air quality deterministic and probabilistic forecasting system based on hesitant fuzzy sets and nonlinear robust outlier correction (doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107789) , SCI一区, Knowledge-Based Systems,12/2021,2/4.
13. Combined water quality forecasting system based on multi-objective optimization and improved data decomposition integration strategy (10.1002/for.2905) , SSCI二区, Journal of Forecasting,8/2022,2/3.
14. What Should Lenders Be More Concerned About? Developing A Profit-driven Loan Default Prediction Model (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118938), SCI一区, Expert Systems with Applications,9/2022,2/3.
15. A Novel Framework of Reservoir Computing for Deterministic and Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting, SCI一区, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 2/6.
16. A Learning System Integrating Temporal Convolution and Deep Learning for Predictive Modeling of Crude Oil Price, SCI一区, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021,2/5.
17. WPFSAD: Wind Power Forecasting System Integrating Dual-Stage Attention and Deep Learning, SCI一区, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( Early Access ), 2023, 2/4.
2008-2014年作为必赢nn699net数学建模总教练指导本科生共获数学建模竞赛奖197项,其中: 1)获得美国大学生数学建模比赛一等奖18项、二等奖38项;2)获得全国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖6项,二等奖28项,甘肃省特等奖39项,其余奖项60余项。